Thursday, September 6, 2012


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
   I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference." 
                                   ROBERT FROST
I recently came across this quote while reading Stephen Covey's " The Eighth Habit" and it made me reflect about the path I took back in 2002 when I started my journey with Postural Restoration. Looking back, at the past 10 years, I do not regret that I took up a path that diverged from the traditional world of physical therapy. It has indeed made all the difference in the way I practice and preach. What is so different with this path, you may ask ?  Well, the most important difference for me has been just looking at the human body in a totally different way, because it is indeed different on the left than it is on the right. Says who ?  Well, seeing is believing, don't just take my word  for it. I  see it everyday, thanks to the teachings of Ron Hruska, PT and founder of the Postural Restoration Institute.  Ron, and his team were the first to show me this difference and the need to recognize and address this difference in order to effectively treat any musculo-skeletal issue. Had I not known to look for this asymmetry, I would still be asking my patients to do hamstring stretches or back extensions and chin tucks, just to name a few. I would still be strengthening the same muscles on both sides of the body instead of  isolating and integrating muscles. I would not  have been able to help a sixty some year old yoga practitioner (that had been treated by multiple disciplines, including traditional physical therapy and steroid injections), finally get rid of her hip pain in just a few visits and be able to hike pain free across the country. And there are more examples I will share with you in the second half of this blog. But for now, just know that travelling down a different road, one less travelled by has sure been a great experience !

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